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6 Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

  • 2 min read

6 Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog - The Happy Jack Co


#1. Plenty of drinking water and shade
Our dog’s get warmer and much thirster than we do so make sure your dog has easy access to fresh water and plenty of shade to keep them cool. Signs of dehydration can include excessive drooling, dry gums, thick sticky saliva and wobbliness/

#2. Protect the paws
When going out for a walk avoid the middle of the day in summer and use the “5 second rule” i.e. if you cannot lie the back of your hand on the walking surface for at least 5 seconds, then it is too hot for your dog’s paws. Remember it’s not just asphalt that gets hot – concrete, sand and playground surfaces can also become super-heated. Our dog’s paws tend to dry out in the summer months from exposure to hot surfaces, use Tips & Toes to keep their paw pads soothed, moisturised and nourished.

Dog walking

#3. Exercise in the morning and evening
Dogs can be susceptible to heat stroke, especially the short-nosed breeds (pugs, frenchies and bull dogs) to maintain their (and your) fitness in the hot summer months take your dog for their daily walks in the cool of the morning or towards the end of the day. It will be a safer and more pleasurable experience for both of you.

#4. Avoid too much sun
Fun in the sun is fun until your dog gets too much. Just like us dogs can get sunburnt. If your dog has had too much exposure to the sun you can use Ruff Skin Salvation on the ears and skin, especially if they like to bake their bellies or use Tips & Toes on a sun-baked nose. Both balms contain essential oils that will help to soothe the area and promote rejuvenation, while the plant-based oils with help to moisturise and nourish.

Dogs swimming

#5. Water safety
If your dog loves cooling off at the beach or the pool remember to always keep a close eye on them, not all dogs are great swimmers, they can get caught in rough tides and currents or may have trouble getting out of the pool. If you like to take you dog out on the water a bright coloured life vest will keep them safe and visible if an accident occurs.

#6. Keep the bugs away
In summer fleas, ticks and mosquitoes are prevalent. They carry tapeworms and diseases that can put your pet at risk or even kill. Make sure you are always up-to-date with your dog’s treatments. If you have been in a high-risk area, check for ticks and you can also wash your dog with our Gentle Dog Shampoo bars which contain neem oil, a natural flea and tick repellent. If your dog is suffering from bug bites, Ruff Skin Salvation will help to soothe the itch and speed in the recovery process.